Xavius Helziq

The Four Arms of Power

Full Name: Xavius Von Helziq
Age: 89
Race: Viera - Rava
Namesday: N/A
Occupation: Bartender/Security/Freelance Sword for hire
Birthplace: Unknown
Orientation: Pansexual
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral


Xavius is a 7'8" monster of a man. His skin dark in complexion covered in scars head to toe. The most obvious trait of his would be the different colored sclera and the second set of arms. His eyes glow with a ghastly amber seeming to smolder the closer you look at them. With a body built from years of physical training, he’s strong as a mountain and chiseled like fine marble. Xavius is also quite light footed and agile. His hair was usually tied back to the best of his effort depending on the day ranging from a lazy ponytail to just chopping it off completely. He can usually found with either a Axe, Katana or just his bare fists.


Xavius tends to be rather quiet keeping to himself. Being rather stoic towards others until he warms up to those around him. He then becomes something of a loveable asshole and stubborn. While he doesn't seem to be inviting towards strangers, he does enjoy good conservations. Being somewhat of a meathead at a glance, he parades that as a façade as he is rather intelligent.


Xavius, inheritor of house Helziq, a bloodline dedicated to the safety of the royal blood of Dalmasca. His own name was a testament to the cloth he was cut from. His father, Xenus, was the commanding officer of the guard who's power allowed him to marry out of love to a commonwealth mother. Xavius was one half of a shared womb, shared with his beloved sister, Xanni. Given their father's position, they opted to live a simpler life, choosing humility rather then verbose proclamations of status. Around the age of 16, during the apex of exploring his individuality, the Garlean Empire launched it's assault upon Dalmasca. Dalmasca was not prepared for the attack the Garlean's had brought to the field. The losses were devastating and insurmountable.
After the swords had fallen, Dalmasca was merely a husk of it's former glory. The invaders wasted no time in capturing the remaining women and children, proclaiming victory over the land. Xavius and Xanni were some of the few children to survive the invasion. The twins, cut from any information, could not find their mother or father. Taken from their home, now prisoners of war, they could only look back at the ruins they called home. Blindfolded and loaded into a ship like livestock, the twins were now property of Garlemald.
Garlemald only brought ill omens and pain. Ripped from his twin, Xavius was thrown into a solitary cell to await his fate. The cell was littered with tools far beyond his understanding and it stirred uncertainty within himself. A metal table and bright unfettered lanterns lit the room brightly. However, he would not find peace in this room. Soon being rushed by guards, he was outnumbered no matter how hard he struggled. His strength waning, he was strapped down to the table and beaten to unconsciousness.
While in a fugue state of life and death, the doctor butchered the youth in the name of advanced warfare. Once Xavius regained consciousness, his skin burned, like every fiber of his being was trying to rip each other to ribbons. Something had changed and that night would be a festering wound for many days to come. Consciousness was painful so Xavius often would seek solace in rest, that soon becoming a prison of his own making. He often found himself finding peace in the darkness with an amber beast lurking in the shadows. The beast soon grew bold, offering companionship to the solitary child. With no other form of kinship, Xavius accepted the amber monstrosity with open arms.
A pact was made between the two; Xavius would control his body and the voidsent within would make him into what he needed. However, the pact was not out of mercy, but a desire for blood. Xavius began to develop mutations, although small and subtle at first. The sclera of his right eye darkened, visibly portraying the beast within. His deep ocean eyes, now a blazing amber. After the corruption slowly grew, the Garleans returned to bring him once more to that room, to their table. This time, instead of deforming his body, they began to mold a broken mind. Stripping his thoughts of the world as he saw, and shaping it into one that fit their motives and views.
The Garleans had shaped Xavius into a hungry beast, unleashing him on the resisting forces of Bozja. Years of mental torment and teachings from his captor had given Xavius the full extent of his form and weapons. Upon reaching maturity, a second set of arms ripped from his torso, leading to an exponential growth in strength. He took to the Bozjan front as ordered and soon became a feared force amongst the Garlean army. The Bozjan resistance soon took up horror stories about "The Four Armed Beast of Garlemald."
Days on the forefront soon bled into one another, battle after battle would seemingly fade into a haze. Xavius spent day after day washing the blood off of his skin and leaving nothing but a path of domination and death. Unknown to him, his sister had escaped long ago and left him to the will of Garlemald. She had taken a sword with Bozja to bring some honor to her family name. However, everything would change when the twins would meet on one fateful day.
Blood and steel littered the fields, the two forces clashing in a battle of raw power. Xavius made his way through the lines of the resistance, cutting down all who crossed his path. Most were far too scared to approach but his soul shook as soon as his weapons crossed with his own kin. For a brief moment there was a shred of realization in Xavius's eyes, but it was soon overcome by wrath as he had realized his own sister had abandoned him. Even his own sister was shocked to see what had become of her brother, but the beast within craved the crimson nectar of revenge. As Xanni faltered, going to try and reach out to what was once her brother, the starving monster sunk in it's teeth. Taking his axe, Xavius put a swift end to his own bloodline, staring at the remnants of his past self. This rage was what the voidsent craved, nay; yearned for.
The voidsent, a forever devouring beast, now turned against it's captor. Xavius, now puppeted by the amber voidsent,turned on the Garlaian army. What the Garlaian's considered their greatest tool, now was hungry for their blood. With an inhuman endurance, Xavius cut through the ranks of the army, changing the tide of battle in favor of the resistance. Overcome with grief, he turned himself over to the resistance and was ready for what would be many months of painful rebuilding. He would come to find the truth of his "Victories" and had to unlearn all that the Garlaians had brainwashed him into thinking. Many months had passed and the resistance was still hesitant on his presence, but they welcomed him nonetheless.
Free of the mental shackles he'd been placed in, he roams around the front, working with the resistance and working to restore Dalmasca back to it's former glory. However, the amber beast still hides in the darkest portions of his being, waiting for the perfect moment to strike.

Photos (Sfw)


OOC, Contacting Information and More

I am Male 21. Please keep it strictly IC any attempt to make it OOC will result in a almost instant blacklist.If you would like to reach me or follow my social media
Discord: xavius.
Xavius is a character with a lot of trauma and deals with heavier types of rp.
Thank you to Axle with flushing out his backstory